craftmarketer logoCrafts Marketing Books

Sell Your Crafts on eBay by James Dillehay - This jam-packed guide took a year of research to help artists and craftspeople like you. Receive more than 200 tactics, tips and tricks to profit with your craft items from eBay's millions of buyers. How to quickly analyze completed auctions for elements that will help sell your art and crafts items. read more.

Sell Crafts Online by James Dillehay - Whether you are just starting a craft business on the Internet or looking to boost your existing web site traffic and sales, this guide is for you. This guide unravels the mysteries of marketing on the Internet through your own web site with clear, step-by-step advice. read more

How to Price Crafts by James Dillehay - Learn how to price crafts to sell with this easy-to-follow manual for how to price handmade craft items.  Become more profitable right now. Get step-by-step examples of how to keep records so you know how much you are spending to make each item. read more

Directory of Grants for Crafts by James Dillehay - This book shows you how to get your share of millions in grant money from the major foundations given to individual craft artists every year! read more

Basic Guide to Selling Arts & Crafts  by James Dillehay - Here, in one beautiful 189 page book is everything you'll need to know to start your own craft business; succeed at craft and trade shows; sell to stores, interior designers, and corporations; pricing tips, extra income ideas and more! This book was used as the training manual by the Association of Creative Craft Industries in their Professional Crafters Training Program. read more

Your Guide to Ebook Publishing Success by James Dillehay - Ebook publishing success is guaranteed with this new resource. Whether you are a writer seeking ways to bypass the frustrations and delays of dealing with getting published or a self-publisher looking to take advantage of the latest ebook marketing strategies, this book provides step-by-step help for profiting from digital publishing. read more

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