things to make and sell


Video 9 answers the frequently asked question:

"How much product should I bring to sell at a craft show?"

Video 9 of 20 in the Series:
"The 10 Most Asked Questions About Selling Crafts
and the 10 Questions You Should Be Asking"

Watch the Entire Video Series on Selling Crafts


Video 10 answers the question you should be asking:

"How many pieces can I make in a week?"

Video 10 of 20 in the Series:


How many pieces should I bring to sell at a craft show, festival or events?

This is a great question because answering this one will help you sell lots more of your pieces at craft shows, festivals and events..

Studies have shown over and over again that you will almost always sell more from a full display than a sparse one.

Put another way, the more you have on display, the more you will sell.

** This is not a guarantee of earnings, but a general rule. **

The question you should be asking is...

"How many craft pieces can I make in a week?"

I realize this question may seem simple enough to ignore. But it really is important that you know the answer

Once you know with certainty how many craft items you can produce in a week or month's time, you can then know how many craft festivals you can display many eBay auctions you can list ........ how many stores you can sell to.

Take a few minutes and think about how many items you can realistically make in a week or month.

The answer prepares you for growing your craft business at the pace you choose and you won't get in trouble taking more orders than you can fulfill.

Speaking of growing your business....

The next most asked question is...."Do I have to accept credit cards for payment?" Watch the next video for the answer.